Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Big Screen

This past Sunday I had the glorious opportunity to see Back to the Future at the ArcLight's Cinerama Dome. Fellow spectators jostled me as we all flooded into the theater, and everyone let out a resounding cheer when Michael J. Fox hopped on his skateboard. I felt camaraderie with people I never knew as we enjoyed the same movie, popping kernels in our mouths and chuckling in unison. In this age of streaming movies digitally onto computer screens (or even phones) and dwarfing the scope of cinema, there's something to be said about seeing films in their intended form.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snubbed, But Not Forgotten

Many great films are either a) ignored or b) forgotten by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts of Sciences. Unfortunately, we can't be all award-winners, but maybe the real award is the longevity and resonance of the film. A filmmaker may have to wait 50 years or so for that particularly award, but that's beside the point. On to the show…

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In Which I Mull over the Past and Plan the Future

Wow, I think I'm taking a week off from blogging and then…three months pass. To quote Slaughter-House Five, "so it goes." I don't know, I suppose I've been feeling a sense of ennui lately, lacking motivation to do anything. Maybe I've been sleeping too much? (NOOO, my hypothalamus cries). Though, to be fair, I have been working on one of my longest stories to date (past 60,000 words and still going! Yay!), but…still. Anyway, sorry to neglect you, dearest blog, but you are like a new toy that loses its luster after a few fleeting moments.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Alfred Hitchcock

I have resurfaced! It wasn't that I was intensely busy, it was more like I was…unmotivated. Maybe when my fiction writing is going well, I neglect my poor little blog? Whatever the case, I've decided to get back in the swing of things by writing about one of the most signature directors ever: Sir Alfred Hitchcock. With the movie Hitchcock, which is about his relationship with his wife Alma Reville during the making of Psycho, coming out in November, I hope this post will foster a little excitement in whoever reads it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Farewell, Summer

I was happy that this summer I managed to somewhat complete my goal that I was too lazy to do last year (I'm glaring at you, younger self); watch two movies a day. While I couldn't squeeze them in every day, I was on that basic track, and thus had the most cinema-filled season of my life up to this point. Here's the list of the films I watched, and I'll *asterisk my new favorites.